The Top Three Business Benefits Of Microsoft Accounting Software

If you haven’t already, there is no better time for businesses to take advantage of Microsoft accounting software to upgrade your bookkeeping system. Long gone are the days when tired and frustrated men clad in suspenders and sun-visors sat in dark, smokey rooms licking their pencils and pounding furiously away at antique adding machines crunching numbers beneath the heat of an “interrogation lamp”.

With the evolution of modern technology and the introduction of personal computers also came an uprising of advances in the way that we do our business accounting. Every successful business owner knows that while we must still scrutinize each transaction, sale, expense, profit and loss – there are much easier ways to do it. New and improved versions of Microsoft accounting software are being introduced on an almost annual basis making it easier and easier to do more and more with the financial aspects of your business management. Today’s newest and most beneficial addition to the world of computerized accounting is 2010’s Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Three Good Reasons To Use Microsoft Accounting Software1. Advance Your Distribution – This type of accounting software allows you to do a number of things to enhance your product or service distribution. Create “Smart Lists” to gain faster access to inventory levels and snapshot viewing of your supply chain. You’ll also reduce data-input errors and create a work flow to automate inner-office file-sharing. You can track sales in real-time using up to six customizable stages from the point of order to invoice.

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2. Honoring Your Client Commitments – Microsoft accounting software has certainly saved the respective behinds of many an overzealous salesman. Though we all strive to succeed in sales and reach as many potential customers as possible, sometimes when business is booming demand exceeds supply. Dynamics GP maintains accurate data related to current and future inventory and stock. A few clicks of your mouse can prevent embarrassing — and expensive — over-commitments.

3. Order Management And Processing – Microsoft Dynamics GP allows your business to continue running even when you’re not. With a 24 hour virtual “service center” integration, your customers and sales-persons can monitor and edit orders online from anywhere in the world at anytime of day for more accurate fulfillment. The software itself monitors the order process from beginning to end tracking the entire history including initial quotes, orders, back orders, order picking and shipping date and everything else to invoices and payments.

In this fast paced world of Internet marketing, online shopping and electronic communication, no business can operate at its full potential without these tools. Incorporating Microsoft accounting software to your business bookkeeping system can save you time, money and get that little guy in the suspenders out of that smokey office.

By Miracle